Few hackers make a link or spam post for facebook user promoting a video"Malaysian Airlines Finally Found!". when any facebook user click on that link of video they redirect to a pare where they are asked to Share this video before view it, this post is total spam user's account face a security risks, this post automatic post lots of others post on your news feed, me also tried this link my news feed of my test page instantly filled up with spam.

These days a very big issue is on Print, Media, Social Media and Electronic Media That " Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 Lost".
Few hackers make a link or spam post for facebook user promoting a video"Malaysian Airlines Finally Found!". when any facebook user click on that link of video they redirect to a pare where they are asked to Share this video before view it, this post is total spam user's account face a security risks, this post automatic post lots of others post on your news feed, me also tried this link my news feed of my test page instantly filled up with spam.

Here is the screenshot below of facebook spam post.

 I suggest all of you that don't risk the security of Fbook account, Your PC or network by clicking on link in these bogus posts. If you are already facing this problem or appear in your news feed immediately delete them also advise your friends to do the same.

For Your kind Information: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 still missing over the South China Sea on March 8, 2014.

 Think before you click. Never click suspicious links, even if they come from a friend or a company you know. This includes links sent on Facebook (ex: in a chat or post) or in emails. If one of your friends clicks on spam they could accidentally send you that spam or tag you in a spammy post. You also shouldn't download things.


Mubashar Hussain

As a Desktop Support Engineer at Goodcore Soft my Resposibility is Provide IT Support for Software Engineers, Developers, Designers and Work With System Support Engineer in Data Center on Servers, Robotics Lab is also in my responsibilty for IT Support, IT Is my Profession on eXpert in PC, Softwares and Network Solutions.

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